If you or someone you know has been involved in a car accident, chances are that your next stop will be a deposition. This is where the opposing party will be trying to figure out if you are liable for the damages that occurred in your accident. If this sounds intimidating, it doesn’t have to be. You can be prepared for a deposition if you know the proper way to prepare. For many people, a deposition will be their first time sitting in a room with an attorney. Here are ways to prepare for a deposition if you have been in a car accident.
Learn your rights and obligations
If you have been injured in an accident, the opposing party may try to determine if you are responsible for the accident by asking you personal questions about your involvement in the crash. Some of these questions might be very personal in nature. You do not have to answer any question that you’re uncomfortable with answering and you should never answer anything that could damage your case. A Philadelphia car accident lawyer will be representing your interests and they will be the one asking any question you aren’t comfortable with answering.
Dress appropriately
When you go to a deposition, think of it as a job interview or meeting with an employer. Even if you’re not employed, you want to look professional and respectful. Wear a business casual outfit. Don’t wear shorts or flip flops or anything that wouldn’t be acceptable in the work place.
Arrive early
Do not be late to your deposition. If there is inclement weather or an accident that could cause you to be late, give the opposing party a heads up immediately so that they can plan accordingly.
Bring your own copy of the incident report
It is important to take a copy of the incident report with you. During the deposition, you might be asked to read parts of the report. Having your own copy will allow you to share it with everyone in the room and make sure that the correct information is being shared among all parties involved in your case.
Bring a calendar
During your deposition, you might be asked to describe the day of the accident and how you were feeling before and after the accident occurred. It can be helpful to have a calendar that shows your daily appointments so that you can remember where you were and what you were doing at specific times during the week of your accident.